C++ is a general purpose programming language designed to make
programming more enjoyable for the serious programmers, for many reasons
C++ might not be the ideal language to use for u might even prefer TK
for writing a user interface, SQL for relational database queries, Java
for networking programming and so forth, but C++ is mostly preferred for
it works well when the ideal language is for whatever reason not
available, and also because it interfaces properly and easily with
libraries and the other languages you will use.
It is not an accident that C++m integrates very well with most
language interpreters or library you find but it was a key design goal.
You rarely find a big program written all in one language, or without
using libraries and this is what that leads to easy integration with
other languages.Computer Networking.
C++ can be used for many reasons, one, it can be used as Glue.
A solution for any big problem depends on solutions to a variety of smaller problems. For some of those smaller problems you may find a specialized language or library ideally suited for that job. But for the rest you have to write your own language and interface it with other parts if incase you are operating a business application.
A solution for any big problem depends on solutions to a variety of smaller problems. For some of those smaller problems you may find a specialized language or library ideally suited for that job. But for the rest you have to write your own language and interface it with other parts if incase you are operating a business application.
For the above example, you might use SQL to talk to a database
server, Postscript to talk to a printer and so forth. But C++ is well
suited to trying together the various parts of a programming project. It
includes features to help them organize big programs, and to keep
libraries from interfering with one another or with your mainline code.
Most importantly, it does no upper limit on the size of the problem it
can address.
The most important familiar feature in C++ is its C subset. Anything
you can do with C you can as well do it with C++. Similarly
interpreters are important when the desired semantics are unknown until
runtime, or when the compile link cycle is just too slow. To get high
performance most will patch C++ subroutines.
To help improve program organization, more recent C++ compilers implement the namespace feature; this lets you protect your programs against the chaos of global names found in operating systems interfaces. Namespace will assist you in to group all your global names in a separate scope so you can combine libraries without worrying about the name collisions.
Another function of C++ is for performance in critical sections.
While many applications can tolerate any degree of inefficiency in
implementation, some can't tolerate any. Today we have every feature of
C++ very carefully designed to be usable where performance matter. The
C++ template mechanism can perform significant computation at compile
time, for results that consume zero runtime and can express control flow
at compile time to expand an algorithm in line. It is this combination
of efficient basic operations with a uniquely powerful template that
makes C++ a good choice for implementing the performance-critical parts
of any application.
Furthermore C++ can be used in writing libraries,that is, it can be ideal writing efficient, portable easy to use libraries. Computer Networking.
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